Intro to PythonIf you’ve been looking at software engineering jobs you know that Python is one of the most sought after programming languages out there…Aug 30, 2021Aug 30, 2021
HeapsHeaps are a data structure that complements binary trees, they keep track of max and min values, called max-heaps and min-heaps. The root…Aug 23, 2021Aug 23, 2021
TreesTrees are a data structure that like linked lists are made of up of nodes with a data flow that is directed, meaning that data moves down…Aug 16, 2021Aug 16, 2021
Binary SearchBinary Search is used on sorted data to quickly find the value you are looking for in 0(log n) time. This is a time saver versus the linear…Aug 8, 2021Aug 8, 2021
Hash MapsHash maps are a data structure that have a key value pair. With hash maps we don’t really care bout the exact sequence of the data. We only…Aug 2, 2021Aug 2, 2021
Intro to StacksAnother linear data structure are Stacks. Stacks are very similar to Queues with a minor difference. While Queues add to the back of the…Jul 26, 2021Jul 26, 2021
Intro to QueuesIn this article I will give a brief overview over the data structure that is the Queues. Like their name implies a queue is essentially a…Jul 19, 2021Jul 19, 2021
Lists in JavaScriptSoftware is made up of 2 basic pieces, data and algorithms. Algorithms are what turn data into something a program can use. Data structures…Jul 12, 2021Jul 12, 2021
Redux an Overview PT 3Continuing the broad overview series on Redux in this final part of the blog we will go over the store in Redux. In Redux the store is…Jul 4, 2021Jul 4, 2021
Redux An Overview Part 2In the first part of these blog posts about Redux I gave a broad overview about three parts of an app the State the Actions and the Views…Jun 27, 2021Jun 27, 2021